The Power of Machine Lyrics to Transform Your Life

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12)消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

No.267(2021-05-12) 消防安全疏散演练 法规讲座活动同伴

日子过得飞快,转眼一周过半,每天繁忙不断,学习生活自律从严。来到校园,同学们已用过早餐走出餐厅,室内卫生扫除、激情语文早读,先过来巡视的任涛主任点头称赞;随后的英语词汇跟读,也让随后查看的毛主任十分满意。提出可以通过小组早读加分方式激励学生状态,班级管理不能放散羊,听天收,以其昏昏,使人昭昭。务必脚踏实地,一步一个脚印,落地生根,扎扎实实陪伴,同时对四楼班主任群体提出表扬:班风正,学风浓,正能量足。最后的二十分钟其它学科背诵,整体气氛的确有些低沉,Park同学拿起书本站起来朗读驱赶着瞌睡,化学课代表Nancy同学不仅自己读得欢,还带领同学们一起来你问我答来记忆。两节课后,外面响起了警报声,同学们迅速抱着头、弯腰、用手帕捂住鼻子沿着东楼道快速赶往校前区广场集中,计算了一下,我们赶到的时间也就两分钟。在全国防灾减灾日National Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Day的今天,学校邀请了连云港市消防支队开发区大队进行了“5.12”联合安全疏散演练,其中一位消防官兵告诉同学们今天是一个让人伤心的日子,13年的今天汶川大地震夺去了众多鲜活的生命,以及每次火灾现场的惨状给消防官兵带来的震撼。让全体师生时刻牢记生命如此宝贵却又十分脆弱,大家都应该学会面对险情如何沉着冷静,减少伤害。然后要求每个年级选派两名同学到前面各自拿起一个干粉灭火器,示范如何打开及使用,并扑灭台上点燃的火盆。我们班的Rachel同学有幸到前台亲手操作,既感到幸运又有一种成就感。然后全体同学右转,看着装有四吨水的消防车,随着一声令下将水柱喷向花园上方的天空。随后的英语课,让同学们回顾一下我们学过的课文中是否有过这个场面的记载,Linda同学想到了第三模块第二单元Natural disaster课文第四段:We practise earthquake safety procedures twice a year so the kids were calm enough to protect themselves during the earthquake.还有一些如Betty、John、Cathy、Bryant、Carl等同学,想到了:survive、escape、fragile、security、safety、damage、injure、dangerous等。今天提供的主题句是:Work gives us meaning and purpose and life is empty without it.工作赋予我们意义和目的,没有工作,生活将是空虚的。类似曾分享过的纪伯伦说过的一句话:Life is indeed dark if there’s no hope;All hope is blind if there’s no knowledge;All knowledge is vain if there’s no work;All work is empty if there’s no love. 如果没有希望,生活的确很黑暗;如果没有知识,所有的希望都不见;如果没有工作,所有的知识都枉然;如果没有爱,所有工作都空谈。

然后就课文朗读及语言点挖掘,三大组同学各有优势,在读的声音洪亮方面第三组取得头筹,其次是第一组和第二组;在短语解读应用方面第三组最佳,其次是第二组和第三组:two exchange students in their host families; be fine with; a beautiful violin concerto; be composed by; really deserve to be heard; through the twists and turns of a classic story; a young couple torn apart by their families; be light and pleasant; whisper to the audience; be followed by a fast and cheerful section; represent their three happy years of school; get dramatic with heavier notes; force sb to marry another man; angry and sad; fall sick; weep bitterly over the loss of her love; be overcome with sorrow; jump into; a softer turn; end on a bittersweet note; transform into butterflies; fly away to be together forever; an amazing journey; combine … and …; musical elements; more significantly; have its roots in; unique combination make me realize; a universal language; big fans of country music; rely on; all the time; turn out; become popular right here; spread across the nation; grow out of; use many similar instruments; leave sb deep in thought; be about hardship and heartbreak; with plenty of humour thrown in for good measure; feel an emotional connection; the peaceful green fields and simple life of the countryside; grow up in rural America; feel like you’re there; the simple tunes and beautiful natural images; be very suggestive of countryside surroundings;

回顾第一课时内容,提高学生使用与“音乐”这一主题语境相关词汇的能力。并欣赏了Maggie同学的分享:Music can be divided into different categories. According to its features, two types are mentioned, which are classical music and jazz. According to the main instrument on which music is played, it can be divided into different categories such as violin concerto, piano concerto and piano solo, etc.音乐可以分为不同的类别。根据它的特点,提到了两种类型,即古典音乐和爵士乐。根据演奏音乐的主要乐器,可以分为小提琴协奏曲、钢琴协奏曲和钢琴独奏等不同类别。随后Simon同学介绍了中国人民音乐家冼星海,生于1905年,卒于1945年。作为著名的作曲家和钢琴家,他积极参加抗日救国运动,创作了许多乐曲,其中最著名的是《黄河大合唱》:Xian Xinghai, known as People’s Musician in China, was born in the year 1905 and died in 1945. As a well-known composer and pianist, he took an active part in the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Movement and created many pieces of music, of which the most famous one was the Yellow River Cantata

Albert同学赞同音乐是一种世界通用的语言。有时候,我们仍然可以在没有完全理解歌词的情况下理解外语歌曲所表达的情感。这是一种不需要语言的交流方式:. I agree that music is a universal language. Sometimes we can still connect with the feelings expressed in a foreign language song without fully understanding its lyrics. It is a form of communication that does not require words.

喜欢舞蹈的Amanda同学最喜欢的曲子是爵士音乐家乔治·本森的《白兔》。喇叭大声而自信地唱着这首歌。接下来是电吉他柔和的声音,当它们争夺你的注意力时,会变得更有活力。随着乐曲的发展,所有的乐器最终都手牵着手,完美地和谐地起舞:My favourite piece of music is the one by the jazz musician George Benson called White Rabbit. The trumpet announces the song loudly and confidently. It is followed by the gentle sounds of the electric guitar which get more energetic as they compete for your attention. As the piece progresses, all the instruments finally join hands and dance together in perfect harmony.

David同学推荐了一种叫纳西族古乐的音乐,在他看来,它很好地反映了中国文化的一部分。纳西族古乐作为一种独特的风格,是道家礼、儒家礼和经典文学作品的结晶。它是唐、宋、元时期音乐音调的结合,它最初包括“白沙西悦”、“洞景音悦”和“黄景音悦”三个部分,其中最后一部分已在时间的长河中消失。用古老的中国乐器如拨子、古筝和竖笛子演奏,这种特殊类型的音乐具有净化心灵和放松心灵的力量:I would like to recommend a type of music called Naxi Ancient Music, which, in my opinion, well reflects part of Chinese culture. As a unique style, Naxi Ancient Music is a crystallization of Taoist rite, Confucian ceremony, and classic literary works. It is a combination of musical tones of the Tang, Song and Yuan Dynasties. It originally included three parts — “Baisha Fine Music”, “Dongjing Music”, and “Huangjing Music”, the last of which has long been lost in the river of time. Played on venerable Chinese musical instruments such as plectrum, zither and vertical bamboo flute, flute, the special type of music has the power to cleanse the heart and relax the mind.

针对所做的语篇进行适当的信息查找与口语练习,深化理解,升华主题。同学们用自己的语言表达对“音乐与交流”的理解,学习并使用拟人的修辞手法,提高了语言欣赏和语言表达能力;通过讨论,就文章的主题意义深入思考并表达观点。推荐反映文化的音乐作品和音乐类型来增强文化意识,然后共同完成B1 on Page 19填词,Dorothy同学在前台写出:transform、rely on、pleasant、combines、overcome、deserves、for good measure、guarantee,写完的同学核对后并给予改正。



门大将智慧放Attract all by wisdom of a great family

才兼备重任扛Double loads come from moral ability

果突出选主讲Multiple results decide the opportunity

织活动留印象Impressive to organize each activity

鸣警钟时提防Notice warning alarms remind timely

正守法记心上In mind to keep all laws necessarily

业道德映时尚Show a fashion professional morally

格维护列事项To protect the personality completely

工权利类型讲Report types of member rights fully

纪司法析释赏Appreciate discipline analyze judicially

实去华要点详Talk about key points purified simply

理决定应分档Identify different levels to fine exactly

毫不差判得当Verify all the crimes to judge accurately

规执行身繁忙Execute regulations living a life busily

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