horizontally expanding business


horizontally expanding business

07-03 29 17163 翻译加工厂



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I have been to Shenzhen Beijing Shanghai New York San Francisco Los Angeles and a few other cities in China and US and always Chinese cities looked cleaner more organized and more urbanized. What happened to the american cities? They used to look more developed but now they look so behind.



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Károly Molnár

Answered 9h ago

I’ve also been in both American and Chinese big cities and I agree with you Chinese cities look more modern cleaner and better organized.

America as we see today is an old country. New York still has the oldest and shittiest subway system ever! Changes take time and most citizens don’t see them as problems because they’ve grew up in that.

Modern China however is only 30–40 years old its development is amazing in such a short time! China wanted to develop so they did everything according to their need of improving their life. Every system is new maybe even the first in the world because they still focus on development. China can build a whole new city faster than we can construct a new subway station in Hungary…

The other reason is that Chinese people have similar values in life they value hard work peace and they don’t care what the others believe in. They don’t have such religious social and criminal issues like American cities have. Man you can’t pay me enough to enter Detroit while I can walk midnight in any Chinese park alone without thinking of any danger. Since Chinese cities don’t have these issues their local governments can focus on other things that are important for people like cleanness modern subways or high speed trains which have better services than most world-class airline companies.






Jonathan Buttall Retired Professional

Answered Sun

I have been to Beijing Xi’an and Shanghai. I grew up in the greater New York City metro area.


I used to think NYC was the human center of the world and the ultimate city. When I went to Shanghai and Beijing I realized that the Chinese cities look like they’re a century in the future and dwarf those in the US.


The Freedom Tower in New York City (I will not call it the World Trade Center because I respect those who died on 9/11/01) would be lost if put in the Shanghai skyline. It’s as high as the third highest building in the photo (and yes China is working on it’s pollution problems just as the US president is bringing it back to the US)


Have any of you noticed that most of the buildings in US Cities all look alike?


As for the exaggeration of so called “ghost cities” those are simply large empty developments at the edge of hugely populated cities in China. You can see ghost neighborhoods in Newark and Detroit where the race riots of the 60s took place.

那些夸张了的所谓的“鬼城”只不过就是在中国巨型人口城市周边“泡沫式”发展的结果,(而)你看看60年代在纽瓦克和底特律充斥着种族骚乱的“鬼社区” (完全没有可比性)


Larry Park

Answered 11h ago

Chinese cities are much cleaner than most cities in the US. I saw human shits (stools) in downtowns of LA and Long Beach I saw rats in dirty/smelly subway in NYC. It’s shameful that those cities can’t do anything about it . A country can sent human to space but can’t do anything about human shits on the streets and homeless people ?


[copy]Man Kun Fong

Answered 9h ago

Beijing and Shanghai look more developed because China keep on building infrastructures to boost GDP. On the outside it looks amazing. But I wouldn’t call them more developed than western developed country. Because obviously they only care about what eyes could see and don’t care about what goes underground: all big cities in China has terrible sewage system. Those cities would flood when it rain too much.



Louis Cohen lives in the USA and follows the news and politics avidly

Answered Sun

Many Chinese cities or parts of them are much newer than US cities New Chinese developments can use modern design ideas and modern materials and technology. So it shouldn’t be a surprise that you see more shiny steel and glass high-rises fully wired up for broadband with water and energy saving features in China than in cities largely built 50–100 years ago in the USA.



Mihr Aharuni I live in the USA! so I know what I am talking about!

Answered Sat

Because American cities designed for cars and not pedestrians. That’s why you rarely see dense urban areas in the USA even LA is expanding horizontally rather than vertically. I am not going to get into why this has happened but this is the basic reason why we don’t have many great urban spaces in the USA and urban designing and planning are not booming in the USA like other countries. The whole interaction and experience is different when you don’t walk in your town. This is also the reason why many Americans don’t have that crazy sense of belonging to their towns as many foreigners have. This also causes many social problems in the USA as we don’t interact with people in our town and don’t have the needed cultural exchange. We basically only interact with people of our own class who are like-minded. We don’t get to meet new people in shared urban spaces or even on a bus. I went off the rails here ! Anyway America will never have such a developed cities because we prefer to live in large houses rather than densely populated areas etc.

因为美国的城市是为了汽车设计而不是为了行人设计。所以这就是为什么你很少在美国见到稠密的城市区域, 甚至洛杉矶都是横向扩张而不是纵向扩张。我不打算讨论为什么会发生这一切,但是这是为什么我们美国没有大量城市空间而且城市设计和规划没有其他国家繁荣的根本原因。当你不在你所在的城市行走时,整个互动和体验是不同的。这也是为什么很多美国人不像许多外国人那样有疯狂的城市归属感。这也在美国造成了很多社会问题,因为我们不与城镇里的其他人交流,而且也没有必要的文化交流。我们基本上只和我们自己阶层里志趣相投的的人交流。我们不在共享的城市空间甚至一辆大巴上结识新的人们。总之,美国永远不会有这么发达的城市,因为我们更喜欢住在大房子里而不是住在人口密集地区。

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